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How to write a poem

It helps if you
hoard expensive chocolate
drink dry, skinny half-caf cappuccinos
choke down two calcium horse pills every morning
question the relevance of god
marry a man with fierce morals &
great legs &
a collection of red-handled kitchen utensils
who loves to play horse even if you beat him
have only dependents who photosynthesize &
a big front porch & a gas furnace in the cellar
rake your neighbors’ maple leaves
eat homemade split pea soup
e-mail your sister when you get a chance
step lightly
live in the city
ignore those who vex you
read the Tao Te Ching and Lorca
fall asleep watching World’s Wildest Police Videos
vacation only in Siberia.

all rights reserved Josephine Bridges ©2012-2013

